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Editors’ picks from 2016

Nature Reviews Materials is celebrating its one-year anniversary and in honour of this, the editors have chosen some of their content highlights from 2016. All the pieces are free to access for registrants for a limited time. To register for a free account click here.

Controlling sound with acoustic metamaterials
Steven A. Cummer, Johan Christensen & Andrea Alù

Acoustic metamaterials can be used to manipulate sound waves with a high degree of control. Their applications include acoustic imaging and cloaking. This Review outlines the designs and properties of these materials, discussing transformation acoustics theory, anisotropic materials and active acoustic metamaterials.

Promise and reality of post-lithium-ion batteries with high energy densities
Jang Wook Choi & Doron Aurbach

Post-lithium-ion batteries are reviewed with a focus on their operating principles, advantages and the challenges that they face. The volumetric energy density of each battery is examined using a commercial pouch-cell configuration to evaluate its practical significance and identify appropriate research directions.

Nonclassical nucleation and growth of inorganic nanoparticles
Jisoo Lee, Jiwoong Yang, Soon Gu Kwon & Taeghwan Hyeon

To optimize the synthesis of functionally designed nanoparticles, a clear understanding of their formation mechanisms is needed. This Review presents the structural properties of nanoclusters and their role in the prenucleation period, and discusses nonclassical nucleation and growth models, as well as heterogeneous nucleation of multicomponent nanoparticles.

Chemical, thermal and mechanical stabilities of metal–organic frameworks
Ashlee J. Howarth, Yangyang Liu, Peng Li, Zhanyong Li, Timothy C. Wang, Joseph T. Hupp & Omar K. Farha

Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have shown promise in a broad range of applications, including catalysis. In this Review, the chemical, thermal and mechanical stabilities of MOFs, in particular with catalytic uses in mind, are discussed.

Design, clinical translation and immunological response of biomaterials in regenerative medicine
Kaitlyn Sadtler, Anirudha Singh, Matthew T. Wolf, Xiaokun Wang, Drew M. Pardoll & Jennifer H. Elisseeff

The clinical translation of biomaterials for tissue engineering reveals their therapeutic performance and relevance, and thus enables the improvement of biomaterials design. In this Review, the design and translation of biomaterials, particularly cartilage and cornea repair, and a new understanding of the interaction between biomaterials and the host immune system are discussed.

Designing hydrogels for controlled drug delivery
Jianyu Li & David J. Mooney

Hydrogels can provide spatial and temporal control over the release of various therapeutic agents and have found clinical use. This Review presents multiscale mechanisms underlying hydrogel delivery systems and quantitative comparison between them, while discussing clinical translation and future opportunities.

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