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Call for Papers: Ultrafast Science, A Science Partner Journal

Dear Colleague,

Ultrafast Science, a Science Partner Journal, would like to thank our authors and readers for a remarkable year and your continued support of our Open Access journal. We invite you to enjoy some of the impactful Top Articles of 2023 personally chosen by our editorial team:

Recent Advances in Imaging of Light Propagation with Light-in-Flight Recording by Holography
Tomoyoshi Inoue, Takashi Kakue, Kenzo Nishio, Toshihiro Kubota, Osamu Matoba, Yasuhiro Awatsuji

Rapid-Scan Nonlinear Time-Resolved Spectroscopy over Arbitrary Delay Intervals
Flöry T, Stummer V, Pupeikis J, Willenberg B, Nussbaum-Lapping A, Kaksis E, Camargo FVA, Barkauskas M, Phillips CR, Keller U, et al.

Optical Measurement of Photorecombination Time Delays
Chunmei Zhang , Graham Brown , Dong Hyuk Ko, and P. B. Corkum

Broadband Diffractive Graphene Orbital Angular Momentum Metalens by Laser Nanoprinting
Guiyuan Cao, Han Lin , and Baohua Jia

Breakdown Spectroscopy Induced by Nonlinear Interactions of Femtosecond Laser Filaments and Multidimensional Plasma Gratings
Mengyun Hu, Shupeng Xu , Shuai Yuan, and Heping Zeng

Realizing Attosecond Core-Level X-ray Spectroscopy for the Investigation of Condensed Matter Systems
Adam M. Summers, Stefano Severino, Maurizio Reduzzi, Themistoklis P. H. Sidiropoulos, Daniel E. Rivas, Nicola Di Palo, Hung-Wei Sun1, Ying-Hao Chien, Iker León, Bárbara Buades, Seth L. Cousin, Stephan M. Teichmann, Tobias Mey, Klaus Mann, Barbara Keitel, Elke Plönjes, Dmitri K. Efetov, Heinrich Schwoerer, and Jens Biegert

Two-Beam Ultrafast Laser Scribing of Graphene Patterns with 90-nm Subdiffraction
Xi Chen and Min Gu

Ultrafast Science is published in affiliation with Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM) of CAS and distributed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The journal publishes high-quality original research articles, comprehensive reviews, editorials, and perspectives which feature high novelty, significance, and technical quality in cutting-edge and emerging topics in ultrafast science with broad interest from scientific communities.

Submit your manuscript today and receive waived article processing charges through September 2024. We hope that you will consider submitting your research to Ultrafast Science.




Qihuang Gong, Academician
Peking University

Wei Zhao, Professor
Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS

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